Scene 1 this so.
Enter Antonio and Sebastian.
Will you stay no longer? Nor will you not that
I go with you?

...them on you.
Let me yet know of you whither you are
bound. sister drowned.
Alas the day!

...again with more.
Pardon me, sir, your bad entertainment. your trouble.
If you will not murder me for my love, let me
be your servant.

...Orsino’s court. Farewell.
The gentleness of all the gods go with thee!
I have many enemies in Orsino’s court,
Else would I very shortly see thee there.
But come what may, I do adore thee so
That danger shall seem sport, and I will go.

He exits.

Scene 3

...where he is.
Enter Sebastian and Antonio.

...further chide you.
I could not stay behind you. My desire,
More sharp than filèd steel, did spur me forth;
And not all love to see you, though so much
As might have drawn one to a longer voyage,
But jealousy what might befall your travel,
Being skill-less in these parts, which to a stranger,
Unguided and unfriended, often prove
Rough and unhospitable. My willing love,
The rather by these arguments of fear,
Set forth in your pursuit.

...of this town?
Tomorrow, sir. Best first go see your lodging.

...renown this city.
Would you’d pardon me.
I do not without danger walk these streets.
Once in a sea fight ’gainst the Count his galleys
I did some service, of such note indeed
That were I ta’en here it would scarce be answered.

...of his people?
Th’ offense is not of such a bloody nature,
Albeit the quality of the time and quarrel
Might well have given us bloody argument.
It might have since been answered in repaying
What we took from them, which, for traffic’s sake,
Most of our city did. Only myself stood out,
For which, if I be lapsèd in this place,
I shall pay dear.

...walk too open.
It doth not fit me. Hold, sir, here’s my purse. Giving him money.
In the south suburbs, at the Elephant,
Is best to lodge. I will bespeak our diet
Whiles you beguile the time and feed your knowledge
With viewing of the town. There shall you have me.

...I your purse?
Haply your eye shall light upon some toy
You have desire to purchase, and your store,
I think, is not for idle markets, sir.

...For an hour.
To th’ Elephant.

...I do remember.
They exit in different directions.

Scene 4

...against my will.
Enter Antonio.
to Andrew
Put up your sword. If this young gentleman
Have done offense, I take the fault on me.
If you offend him, I for him defy you.

...what are you?
drawing his sword
One, sir, that for his love dares yet do more
Than you have heard him brag to you he will.

...of Count Orsino.
You do mistake me, sir.

...know him well.
I must obey. To Viola.
This comes with seeking you.
But there’s no remedy. I shall answer it.
What will you do, now my necessity
Makes me to ask you for my purse? It grieves me
Much more for what I cannot do for you
Than what befalls myself. You stand amazed,
But be of comfort.

...Come, sir, away.
to Viola
I must entreat of you some of that money.

...coffer.Offering him money.
Will you deny me now?
Is ’t possible that my deserts to you
Can lack persuasion? Do not tempt my misery,
Lest that it make me so unsound a man
As to upbraid you with those kindnesses
That I have done for you.

...our frail blood—
O heavens themselves!

...pray you go.
Let me speak a little. This youth that you see here
I snatched one half out of the jaws of death,
Relieved him with such sanctity of love,
And to his image, which methought did promise
Most venerable worth, did I devotion.

...goes by. Away!
But O, how vile an idol proves this god!
Thou hast, Sebastian, done good feature shame.
In nature there’s no blemish but the mind;
None can be called deformed but the unkind.
Virtue is beauty, but the beauteous evil
Are empty trunks o’erflourished by the devil.

... come, sir.
Lead me on.
Antonio and Officers exit.

Scene 1

...awake it anon.
Enter Antonio and Officers.

...made thine enemies?
Orsino, noble sir,
Be pleased that I shake off these names you give me.
Antonio never yet was thief or pirate,
Though, I confess, on base and ground enough,
Orsino’s enemy. A witchcraft drew me hither.
That most ingrateful boy there by your side
From the rude sea’s enraged and foamy mouth
Did I redeem; a wrack past hope he was.
His life I gave him and did thereto add
My love, without retention or restraint,
All his in dedication. For his sake
Did I expose myself, pure for his love,
Into the danger of this adverse town;
Drew to defend him when he was beset;
Where, being apprehended, his false cunning
(Not meaning to partake with me in danger)
Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance
And grew a twenty years’ removèd thing
While one would wink; denied me mine own purse,
Which I had recommended to his use
Not half an hour before. this town?
Today, my lord; and for three months before,
No int’rim, not a minute’s vacancy,
Both day and night did we keep company.

...have lost thee!
Sebastian are you?

...thou that, Antonio?
How have you made division of yourself?
An apple cleft in two is not more twin
Than these two creatures. Which is Sebastian?

...his fancy’s queen.
All but the Fool exit.